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DEVELOPMENT OF FOOTBALL BOWLING GAME FOR FOOTBALL LEARNING APPROACHES Rendy Eka Putra, Muhammad Soleh Fudin Begin Match to source 9 in source list: b s t r a c t This researchEnd Match is Begin Match to source 9 in source list: by theEnd Match lack Begin Match to source 9 in source list: Match adequate football and goal fields, so there is a need for modification in learning so that the learning process can be carried out more effectively. Modifications in learning include making the game a football learning approach that is adapted to conditions on the field. The Begin Match to source 17 in source list: of this study is toEnd Match develop Begin Match to source 17 in source list: Match bowling football game Begin Match to source 17 in source list: Match that can be used as an alternative approach to football learning. This research was conducted using Begin Match to source 11 in source list: and development using the ADDIE model,End Match namely Begin Match to source 11 in source list:, design, development, implementation, evaluation. TheEnd Match sampling technique used saturated sampling to determine the sample of this study is using eighteen fifth grade students of MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu for field tests. Before being tested on students, this game model has been validated by physical education learning experts and football game experts. The research data collection instrument used was a questionnaire. The data Begin Match to source 18 in source list: P Purwanto. analysis techniqueEnd Match of Begin Match to source 18 in source list: P Purwanto. this research isEnd Match qualitative and Begin Match to source 18 in source list: P Purwanto. quantitative descriptiveEnd Match percentages. Begin Match to source 18 in source list: P Purwanto. TheEnd Match results of field test data analysis, obtained an average of 82%. Based on the criteria that have been obtained from the field test results, the product development of this bowling football game meets the criteria can be used. So it can be concluded that this bowling football game can be used and applied as an alternative approach to football learning in fifth grade students of MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu. Keywords: Development, Bowling Football Game, Football Learning Preliminary Begin Match to source 2 in source list: education is oneEnd Match type Begin Match to source 2 in source list: Match subjects Begin Match to source 2 in source list: in schools,End Match be it Begin Match to source 13 in source list: school, junior high school, senior high school.End Match In Begin Match to source 13 in source list: educationEnd Match there Begin Match to source 13 in source list: MatchBegin Match to source 2 in source list: and learning activitiesEnd Match undertaken by teachers Begin Match to source 2 in source list: Match students. Begin Match to source 2 in source list:"LearningEnd Match is a process of behavior change and this change will occur if there is an Begin Match to source 1 in source list: between students and their environment."End Match (Husdarta Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match Saputra, 2013) Begin Match to source 2 in source list: education is an educational process that utilizes physical activityEnd Match aimed Begin Match to source 2 in source list: developing and enhancing individuals organically, neuromuscularly, perceptually,End Match cognitive, Begin Match to source 2 in source list: Match emotional aspects of Begin Match to source 2 in source list: national education system.End Match (Rosdiani, 2012) With the objective of physical education, the teacher must set up learning. The Begin Match to source 1 in source list: education, sports, and healthEnd Match learning settings are Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match regulating the Begin Match to source 1 in source list: process that utilizes physical activity to produce holistic changes in individual quality, both physically, mentally, and emotionally.End MatchBegin Match to source 3 in source list: General of Teachers and Education Personnel Ministry of Education and Culture,End Match 2016) Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Match lack of physical education facilities owned by schools, requires physical education, sports and health teachers to be more creative to create equipment and field equipment that is appropriate to the conditions of students and their schools. A creative teacher will be able to create something new, or modify something that already exists but is presented in a more interesting way, so students do not feel bored. Modifying learning facilities and physical education learning media will not reduce student activities in conducting physical education, but on the contrary by modifying facilities and approaches in the form of games, the physical education learning process will be more enjoyable. "The modification approach can be used as an alternative in physical education learning in schools, because this approach considers the stages of development and characteristics of students, so students will take part in physical education lessons with pleasure." (Rahayu, 2016) By making modifications, physical education teachers , sports and health will be easier to present the material, without losing the meaning of what he provides. In an effort to achieve the goal of physical education learning, one of which can be achieved through football learning activities. Football is a game that is very popular today and is in demand by many people ranging from small children, adults, even to parents also take part in this sport. This is evidenced by the many championships from Begin Match to source 14 in source list: elementary school level, junior high school, high schoolEnd Match and college Begin Match to source 14 in source list: Match Football itself is a team sport and requires good teamwork. "Football is a sport that is played in an area that is open by two groups called teams. Each team has a goal. They face each other with the aim to put the ball into the opponent's goal." (Hidayat, 2017) Begin Match to source 3 in source list: on the results of the preliminary study,End Match researchers found that in MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu school there were not enough football fields and goal posts to be used in football learning. With such conditions, learning modifications are needed so that the learning process can be carried out by utilizing the field or yard in the school even though it is not extensive. From the results of the preliminary study the researchers found a problem that could be used as research. Salain was based on relevant previous research namely with the title development of a modification model of football games for elementary school students with the results of the research being: 1) holahop goal football game. 2) The results of product effectiveness tests at Branti 3 Elementary School, Branti 2 Elementary School, and Candimas 3 Public Elementary School showed an average increase in pulse rate of around 50.25%. 3) The results of product acceptance tests on psychomotor, affective and cognitive aspects get an average of 87.62% and it is concluded that the development of a modification model of football games for elementary school produces a modification product of the holahop hurdles football game which is effective and acceptable Begin Match to source 1 in source list: theEnd Match process Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match learning Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match sports Begin Match to source 1 in source list: and health inEnd Match elementary Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match (Supriyanto, 2012) So the development of learning models with games is very effective to improve learning. The objective to be achieved in this study is a bowling football game model that can be played heterogeneously in the process of learning football in physical education even though the means and infrastructure or facilities are less supportive by modifying it. Through the development of this bowling football game, it is hoped that it can help the physical education learning process especially in football learning and this game can be used as an alternative in football learning and can be used as a reference or material for physical education, sports and health teachers to be more varied in making game models for students Begin Match to source 15 in source list: accordance with the characteristics of studentsEnd Match and Begin Match to source 15 in source list: Match conditions that exist in schools so that physical education learning can be implemented optimally and can help the learning process so that it can achieve the goals to be achieved. The bowling football game is a football game that is modified aspects of the rules of the game, the tools and facilities used and how to play it with the bowling ball game approach and can be played by heterogeneous or gender-different teams. This bowling football game is a combination game between football and bowling. The rules of the game used have also been adjusted to the characteristics of elementary school children, namely by considering the safety, ease and attractiveness of the game. 15 - 25 m 3 m 5 m 1,5 m 10 - 15 m 5 m 6m Figure 1. Bowling Football Field Information: : Bowling pin (mineral water bottle wicket) : Distance : Penalty point 1 : Penalty point 2 Research methods This research was conducted using "Research and Development". Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Submitted to Academic Library Consortium on 2021-01-15Research and development methods are research methods used to produce products and test these products.End Match (Sugiyono, 2012) Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Submitted to Academic Library Consortium on 2021-01-15This study usesEnd Match the ADDIE model. The ADDIE development model is one of the system design models that shows the basic stages for developing products used in education. (Branch, 2009) ADDIE model has 5 (five) main steps, namely: Analysis, researchers sought information on physical education, sports and health teachers in MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu by providing an open questionnaire that researchers used as a preliminary study. From the results of the open questionnaire the researcher obtained information that could be used as a problem. Design, researchers do product manufacturing planning in accordance with existing problems in the field. To overcome this problem, the researchers sought a solution so that football learning could run effectively, namely by making the development of a football game model so that it could be used in the physical education learning process at MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu. The development of this game model is expected to be an alternative approach to learning football by utilizing the existing page area. Development, researchers develop products according to what was planned in the design stage in the form of a football game model. This game model is designed as needed so that it can be used as an alternative in football learning. After the product is finished, the researcher validates the physical education learning expert and the football game expert to get suggestions, input, revision and validation of the product before being tested on students. Furthermore, if it gets input from experts, the researchers make revisions and improvements to the product, so that the product is better in accordance with the expert input. Implementation, the researcher applied the revised and validated expert product to be tested on students to find out whether the game model developed was in line with what was planned and could be used as an alternative in the football learning process at MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu. In the field testing of this football game model, students are given a closed questionnaire. With this questionnaire the researcher can find out the results of the developed football game model. Researchers conducted field tests on all fifth grade students of MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu. After completing the football game model, the students were given a closed questionnaire so that the researcher could find out the results of the developed game model whether the percentage obtained entered into the category could be used and could be used as an alternative in the physical education learning process on football material or not. Evaluation, the evaluation stage is the final stage of a study. From the results of the final trial in the form of a questionnaire, the researcher knows how much the percentage of the success of the developed game model then makes conclusions Begin Match to source 3 in source list: on the results of the study.End Match Is Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Match game model developed successfully in accordance with the expectations of researchers and can be used as an alternative in the physical education learning process on football material. In sampling techniques, researchers use saturated sampling. "Saturation sampling is a Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang on 2020-07-30sampling technique when all members of the population are used as samples."End Match (Sugiyono, 2012) Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang on 2020-07-30This is often doneEnd Match when Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang on 2020-07-30the population is relatively small, less than 30 peopleEnd Match". Researchers used Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang on 2020-07-30a saturatedEnd Match sampling technique to make the entire population as a sample of 18 students for the field test. Data collection in this study Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Yanuar Bachrul Aqsony, Santirianingrum Soebandhi, Ani Wulandari. used a questionnaire. "Questionnaire is a data collection technique that is done by givingEnd Match several questions or Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Yanuar Bachrul Aqsony, Santirianingrum Soebandhi, Ani Wulandari. writtenEnd Match statements Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Yanuar Bachrul Aqsony, Santirianingrum Soebandhi, Ani Wulandari. to respondents to answer." (Sugiyono,End Match 2012) There are 3 kinds of questionnaires used by researchers, namely: First open questionnaire is used as a preliminary study to obtain problems that exist in schools . Respondents read the items themselves and write answers in the questionnaire freely or in accordance with the wishes of the respondent. This questionnaire was given to physical education, sports and health teachers in order to obtain important information about the state of the school to be addressed. Second, semi-open questionnaire, used when collecting data from experts involved in the assessment of products developed by researchers. In the list of questions given 5 choices of answers that must be chosen as desired and experts are free to give reasons for suggestions for better developed products. This questionnaire was given to physical education learning experts and football game experts. The three closed questionnaires are used when collecting wider field product trial data. This questionnaire in the form of choice of questions gives the freedom for respondents to provide answers or responses that have been determined by researchers, can be in the form of "yes" or "no" and can also be in the form of multiple choice. Thus there is no opportunity for respondents to use other answers or their own desires. In this study, researchers used qualitative and descriptive data analysis techniques in the form of percentages. Qualitative analysis was obtained from the results of the open questionnaire and semi-open questionnaire in the form of criticism and suggestions from physical education experts and football game experts in the form of writing as input for product revision materials. Whereas descriptive quantitative analysis of percentages is used to analyze the results of field test data collection. The formula for processing data in the form of descriptive percentages (Sudijono, 2014) is as follows: P = Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Submitted to Universidad de C贸rdoba on 2020-06-02X 100%End Match 饾憮 Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Submitted to Universidad de C贸rdoba on 2020-06-02NEnd Match Information Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Submitted to Universidad de C贸rdoba on 2020-06-02F : The frequency thatEnd Match the percentage Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Submitted to Universidad de C贸rdoba on 2020-06-02isEnd Match looking Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Submitted to Universidad de C贸rdoba on 2020-06-02forEnd MatchBegin Match to source 6 in source list: Submitted to Universidad de C贸rdoba on 2020-06-02N : Number of cases (number of frequencies from the number of individuals) P : Percentage figuresEnd Match According to Arikunto (2013), if the data analysis is in the form of a percentage, then the conclusions that can be drawn are adjusted to the problem. The following classification of the percentage of categories that will be used is: Table 1. Group Percentage Classification Category Percentage Conclusion Good > 76% Used Pretty Begin Match to source 5 in source list: G O Elvisa, Hamdi Rifai. good 56% - 75%End Match Used Not Begin Match to source 5 in source list: G O Elvisa, Hamdi Rifai. good enough 40% - 55% NotEnd Match used Begin Match to source 5 in source list: G O Elvisa, Hamdi Rifai. Bad < 40%End Match Not used Begin Match to source 5 in source list: G O Elvisa, Hamdi Rifai. Results and Discussion The resultsEnd Match of the study, researchers conducted a preliminary study in MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu to physical education, sports and health teachers by providing an open questionnaire to answer the questions that had been made by researchers. The teacher writes himself the answer to the question in truth. So finding some things that become researchers' notes to be used as material to obtain information that can later be used as a problem. From the results of a preliminary study using an open questionnaire, at MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu on physical education, sports and health teachers, researchers got some information from the questionnaire, namely, he wrote the problems that occur in the learning process at the school. The problem is analyzed then make a product that suits your needs. So the researchers made a bowling football game product that can be used as an alternative and overcome existing problems and take advantage of the existing page area. The product model of the football game made is then validated to physical education learning experts and football game experts before being tested on students. The results of the evaluation of physical education learning expert products on the products developed are as follows: Table 2. Evaluation Results of Physical Education Learning Expert Products Statement of Physical Education Learning Experts The game model is in accordance with the material available at school The game model is in accordance with the characteristics of Begin Match to source 12 in source list: grade elementary school students,End Match because Begin Match to source 12 in source list: Match character of Begin Match to source 12 in source list: grade elementary school studentsEnd Match likes new things Begin Match to source 12 in source list: Match tools and facilities used are safe, it's good to replace the original ball with a plastic foam-lined ball so it is lighter and not dangerous The game model is safe to play by fifth grade elementary school students, taking into account the rules and ways of playing female students that are made a little different, so that even though players in a heterogeneous team this game is safe to play The game model can be played by skilled students or not, considering the ability of each student is different especially the ability between male and female students The game model can Begin Match to source 10 in source list: Anne Elizabeth Snyder, Victoria Van Voorhis. be played by male and female students,End Match looking at the rules and how to play this game, it certainly can Begin Match to source 10 in source list: Anne Elizabeth Snyder, Victoria Van Voorhis. be played by male and female students.End Match But please note, whether with these regulations will make passive students move especially female students Differences in regulations need to be made. Seeing the tendency of female students who are difficult to do football games and do not want to come into play if playing with male students because of fear. Use the time in making the game, do not fixate on the target number that must be achieved. Because it relates to learning For player constraints or half circles please correct. Can be expanded so that students have no difficulty in passing to friends in the opponent's semicircle Use only one referee because the field is narrow. The presence of two referees on Begin Match to source 16 in source list: right and left sides of theEnd Match court will make Begin Match to source 16 in source list: Match field narrower Statement of Physical Education Learning Experts In dividing groups, please pay attention to the number of male and female students available While the results of the evaluation of football game expert products on the products developed, as follows: Table 3. Evaluation Results of Football Game Expert Products Statement of Football Game Experts The clarity of the game rules is clear, that is, each rule has been elaborated so that it becomes clear The clarity of how to play is quite clear. Please explain just the gist of how to play because the rules cover everything but not too long Game security is applied already safe. Broadly speaking, it includes regulations that exist in the actual football game, although there are some rules that have been modified Safety of facilities and equipment used is safe. It's good to replace balls that are lighter than the standard balls used in football games The suitability of the bowling football game with the original football game is quite appropriate. Some rules, how to play and the tools used are modified so that they are different from real football, but in general the game is made not much different from the real football Please consider the match system used. In the original football game uses a time system in the game, not a target point system that must be achieved Please clarify and improve the field image After validating the expert, the researcher revised the product according to expert advice and input. Product results that have been revised by researchers to test students using field tests. The researcher applies the product that has been revised and validated by the expert to be tested in the field to students to find out whether the developed game model is in accordance with what is planned and can be used as an alternative in the football learning process. The results of the analysis of research data from the 18 student field test questionnaire were as follows: Table 4. Results of Field Test Research Data Indicator Percentage Category The bowling football game is easy to play 78% Good Students can play the bowling football game model 83% Good Students know about how to play bowling football games 78% Good How to play bowling football game is easier than real football 83% Good Students understand bowling football rules Bowling football game makes more active moves Easy to score points or goals in a bowling football game 83% 78% 72% Good Good Pretty good Indicator Percentage Category Can work with teammates in a bowling football game 94% Good The bowling football game is safe to play 89% Good Like the bowling football game 78% Good Exciting bowling football game 83% Fun bowling football game 83% Want to play bowling football game again 89% Good Good Good Begin Match to source 5 in source list: G O Elvisa, Hamdi Rifai. Conclusion Based on the results of the analysis ofEnd Match field test data obtained an average of 82%, based on predetermined criteria, the product development of this bowling football game meets the criteria well and can be used, so it can be applied to fifth grade students of MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Guava. From the overall results of research and development obtained it can be concluded that this model of bowling football game can be used and applied to fifth grade MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu students as an alternative approach to football learning References Arikunto, S. 2013. The procedure of research is a practical approach. Jakarta. Rineka Cipta Branch, R. M. 2009. Instructional design: The ADDIE Approach. New York: Springer Science & Business Media. Hidayat, W. 2017. Fotball smart book. Jakarta Timur: Anugrah. Husdarta, J. S. dan Saputra, Y. M. 2013. Study and learning. Bandung: Alfabeta. Rahayu, E. T. 2016. Physical education learning strategies. Bandung: Alfabeta CV. 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