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Development of a Football Game Modification Book for Primary School Physical Education and Health Teachers Keywords ___________________ Development 1; Media 2; Book 3; Football Game Mods 4; Teacher 5. ___________________ Abstract ____________________________________________________________________ The components in a learning activity are students, teachers, objectives, lesson content, methods, media, and evaluation. The teacher is the component that most influences the creation of processes and results to achieve learning objectives. One way for teachers to achieve learning objectives is to modify games. Based on a needs analysis that sports and health physical education teachers in Tugu District need references and agree that researchers develop a football game modification book, the researcher intends to develop a football game modification book and scientifically assess it. Begin Match to source 3 in source list: purpose of this study was to determineEnd Match whether Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Match development Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Match a football game modification book can be used as an alternative reference media for learning football games. The product development of this football game modification book was evaluated by experts in football game materials and learning media experts. This research was conducted using Begin Match to source 17 in source list: research and development,End Match which Begin Match to source 17 in source list: is used toEnd Match produce certain Begin Match to source 17 in source list: products.End Match The sample were all sports and health education teachers in Tugu District totaling 28 teachers. The research instrument used a semi-open questionnaire and data analysis used descriptive statistics. The results of data analysis from 28 teacher respondents got a score of 88%, it can be concluded that the development of a football game modification book is in a good category and can be used as an alternative reference media in learning football games for sports and health physical education teachers INTRODUCTION Learning is essentially a process of changing behavior that is realized and teaching is essentially a planned effort through the arrangement and provision of conditions that allow students to carry out various learning activities as best as possible. The components in a learning activity are students, teachers, objectives, lesson content, methods, media, and evaluation. (Mulyasa, 2013) Teachers in carrying out their duties and responsibilities are several indicators including 1) teaching and learning programs 2) ability to carry out teaching and learning activities 3) ability. (Uzer Usman, 2006) Learning is a learning process that is built by teachers to develop creative thinking. (Fudin, 2016) The teacher is a component who plays a major role in the creation of quality educational processes and outcomes to achieve learning objectives. Creative and innovative physical education teachers Begin Match to source 1 in source list: be able to create something newEnd Match and innovative, Begin Match to source 1 in source list: that already existsEnd Match to be Begin Match to source 1 in source list: in a moreEnd Match attractive Begin Match to source 1 in source list: soEnd Match that Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match become motivated to take part in learning. One way for teachers to achieve these learning objectives is by using a game approach in learning. The game approach in learning so that it can be carried out properly and can be responded to by students, the game must be modified. In modifying the game, physical education teachers must consider several factors including learning objectives, student characteristics, school facilities and infrastructure. One of the supporters of the professionalism of a teacher is understanding the characteristics of students. (R. Febrianto, 2018) With a modified game approach, it is very suitable for the characteristics of elementary school level students who like to play. Teachers get modified games that are suitable and effective for learning by looking for references (media) or developing their own. Developing media Begin Match to source 4 in source list: be used as aEnd Match delivery in Begin Match to source 4 in source list: education learning.End Match (Santoso & Hariyadi, 2020) Media can stimulate thoughts, feelings and willingness so that it can encourage the learning process in itself. (Saputra, 2015) The Begin Match to source 11 in source list: is expected to haveEnd Match an Begin Match to source 11 in source list: roleEnd Match in strengthening Begin Match to source 11 in source list: performance.End Match (Benson & Odera, 2013) In this study, academic performance leads to cognitive understanding by teachers. Media development pays attention to the developmental stages and characteristics of children, so that children will participate in physical education learning with fun and joy. This was supported by (Fudin & Putra, 2019) stating 1 that Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Creative teacher will be able to create something new, or modify something that already exists but is presented in a moreEnd Match interisting Begin Match to source 1 in source list:, so students do not feel bored. MediaEnd Match can function optimally if it can be accessed easily by users. Media that is integrated with the most advanced technology is not necessarily the best media. Print media, although seemingly unsophisticated and not the result of the latest technology, is media that can be easily accessed and carried anywhere if the size is adjusted. Books are a form of printed media that is familiar to the public. Print media which is included in the category of visual media is a medium that can be used practically because it is a form of simplification of the form of communication. (Munadi, 2008) According to the Mukminan, the development of learning media needs to pay attention to the VISUALS principle, namely Begin Match to source 14 in source list:, interesting, simple, useful, accurate, legitimateEnd Match and Begin Match to source 14 in source list: (Nurseto, 2011)End Match Football is a sport that demands good cooperation, therefore each player is required to master good individual basic techniques so that cooperation between players can be perfectly established. (F. Febrianto, 2017) Learning football games in physical education, physical education teachers must be creative and innovative in developing learning by modifying games and seeking or developing literature as a medium to support the implementation of learning. Media are designed to provide real-world images and substitute experiences for gaining learning experiences. Based on a preliminary study in the field, physical education teachers for sports and health at the primary school level in Tugu District have only modified the game of football by minimizing the field and the game goal adapted to the school environment. Besides that, it does not have any literature books about modifying the game of football and requires that literature. Based on the results of research that aims to develop a pocket book product for football games for elementary school students whose material is related to the understanding, history and basic techniques of the game of football, (Murtiyono, 2016) the author is interested in developing a media game modification book for sports and health teachers at school level. basic. The difference between the pocket book that was developed (Murtiyono, 2016) and the modified football game book that was developed included the content of the material, the appearance of the book, the use of the book and the type of modification of the football game. Development requires systematic planning that refers to the learning system, design message methods or strategies and pay attention to student characteristics. (R. Febrianto & Puspitaningsih, 2020) The specification of this football game modification book contains playing theory, game modification concepts and types of football game modification. METHODS This research was conducted using Begin Match to source 4 in source list: and development. Research and development methods are research methods used to produce certain products.End Match (Sugiyono, 2016) Research Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Match development carried out by researchers is a combined type of qualitative and quantitative research. The development of learning media Begin Match to source 15 in source list: this study uses the ADDIEEnd Match development Begin Match to source 15 in source list: Match The Begin Match to source 15 in source list: Match development model contains steps in research, namely Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Analyze 2) Design 3) Develop 4) ImplementEnd Match 5) Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Match (Branch, 2009) Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Match research Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Match conducted Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Match all elementary schools in Tugu District, Trenggalek Regency. The population in the study were all sports Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Pan, Yi-Hsiang, Hung-Shih Chou, Wei-Ting Hsu, Chiung-Huang Li, and Yuh-Lin Hu. and health physical education teachers inEnd Match elementary schools in Tugu District. While the sample in the study was the entire population of 28 sports Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Pan, Yi-Hsiang, Hung-Shih Chou, Wei-Ting Hsu, Chiung-Huang Li, and Yuh-Lin Hu. and health physical education teachers. TheEnd Match data collection method Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Pan, Yi-Hsiang, Hung-Shih Chou, Wei-Ting Hsu, Chiung-Huang Li, and Yuh-Lin Hu. usedEnd Match a non-test method Begin Match to source 16 in source list: the form of a questionnaire.End Match While Begin Match to source 16 in source list: Match data collection Begin Match to source 16 in source list: Match used a questionnaire sheet with open and semi-open types. The Begin Match to source 5 in source list: analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistical data analysisEnd Match techniques. Descriptive statistical Begin Match to source 5 in source list: analysisEnd Match techniques are divided into qualitative descriptive and quantitative descriptive. The Begin Match to source 18 in source list: UK ICESS UNIKAMA. application of Multiculturalism Based.pdfqualitative data analysisEnd Match technique Begin Match to source 18 in source list: UK ICESS UNIKAMA. application of Multiculturalism Based.pdfused toEnd Match sort data in Begin Match to source 18 in source list: UK ICESS UNIKAMA. application of Multiculturalism Based.pdftheEnd Match form of written suggestions and answers in this study was the Miles and Huberman model data analysis technique with the Begin Match to source 9 in source list: 1) Data Reduction 2) Data Display 3) Conclusion Drawing.End Match (Sugiyono, 2017) Quantitative data analysis techniques are used to analyze the results of the evaluation of media products in the form of descriptive percentages. (Sudijono, 2011) If the data is in the form of percentages, proportions and ratios, then conclusions can be drawn, adjusted to the problem. (Arikunto, 2013) The prototype of the football game modification book product developed includes the A5 book size designed according to the character of the football game modification material presented, the modification of the football game is the result of modification of the researcher with simple pictures and information so that it is easy to understand, the content of the book material is the basic concept of playing, game modification and the types of football game modifications. The cover display of the football game modification book in Figure 1 is as follows: Figure 1. Cover of the Football Game Modification Book RESULTS and DISCUSSION Begin Match to source 12 in source list: research isEnd Match a Begin Match to source 12 in source list: and developmentEnd Match study Begin Match to source 12 in source list: onEnd Match an analysis Begin Match to source 12 in source list: Match existing needs in the field and the results of previous developments. Then develop the initial product of the football game modification book and continue with product evaluation by instructional media experts and football game material experts. Based on Begin Match to source 3 in source list: data analysis of the results ofEnd Match the evaluation Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Match the product of the expert football game material from the 13 question items, the results are the total frequency of 60, the total frequency of the number of individuals 65 and the percentage figure of 92% as Begin Match to source 2 in source list: A Saregar, E Hadiati, I Syafe’i, R Septiani, Widayanti. presented in tableEnd Match 1 Begin Match to source 2 in source list: A Saregar, E Hadiati, I Syafe’i, R Septiani, Widayanti. as follows: TableEnd Match 1. Begin Match to source 2 in source list: A Saregar, E Hadiati, I Syafe’i, R Septiani, Widayanti. Results ofEnd Match the Material Begin Match to source 2 in source list: A Saregar, E Hadiati, I Syafe’i, R Septiani, Widayanti. ExpertEnd Match Evaluation Data Analysis Total Question ∑f ∑N ∑P 13 60 65 92% Based on these results, the football game material expert gave the decision that the product was feasible and could be field tested on the condition that it had to be revised based on suggestions for improvement first. Suggestions for product improvement from football game material experts Begin Match to source 2 in source list: A Saregar, E Hadiati, I Syafe’i, R Septiani, Widayanti. are presented in tableEnd Match 2 Begin Match to source 2 in source list: A Saregar, E Hadiati, I Syafe’i, R Septiani, Widayanti. as follows: TableEnd Match 2. Begin Match to source 2 in source list: A Saregar, E Hadiati, I Syafe’i, R Septiani, Widayanti. Material ExpertEnd Match Product Improvement Suggestions Product Improvement Suggestions Football game modification book Image captions are conveyed below the image according to the game image icon so that it is clear and easy to understand Game rules are presented systematically so that they are clear and easy to understand Based on Begin Match to source 3 in source list: data analysis of the results ofEnd Match the evaluation Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Match the learning media expert's product from 25 question items, the results are the total frequency of 112, the total frequency of the number of individuals 125 and the percentage figure of 90% as Begin Match to source 13 in source list: in table 3 as follows: Table 3.End Match Results Begin Match to source 13 in source list: Match Media Expert Evaluation Data Analysis Total Question ∑f ∑N ∑P 25 112 125 90% Based on these results, the instructional media expert gave the decision that the product was feasible and could be field tested on the condition that it had to be revised based on suggestions for improvement first. Suggestions for product improvement from football game material experts Begin Match to source 2 in source list: A Saregar, E Hadiati, I Syafe’i, R Septiani, Widayanti. are presented in table 4 as follows: Table 4. MediaEnd Match Expert Product Improvement Suggestions Product Improvement Suggestions Football game modification book Cover images are given an image according to the theme to make it more attractive Cover is given the name of the author The size and font color between chapters, sub-chapters and the content of the material are differentiated for clarity and interest The layout of the book contents and numbering are arranged systematically so that it is attractive and clear Game modification images are given a fill color according to the color of the chapter to make it more attractive Game modification images are given an image caption and an icon in the caption and image must match so that it is clear Product Improvement Suggestions and easy to understand Image icons including descriptions between passing, dribbling and shooting are differentiated for clarity and ease of understanding After the game modification book product has been repaired according to expert advice, the product is field tested on sports and health physical education teachers to obtain an assessment result of Begin Match to source 10 in source list: quality of the product developed. The results ofEnd Match data analysis from 33 question items related to product quality obtained a total frequency of 112, a total frequency of 125 individuals and a percentage figure of 90%, as Begin Match to source 2 in source list: A Saregar, E Hadiati, I Syafe’i, R Septiani, Widayanti. presented in table 5 as follows: Table 5.End Match Field Test Analysis Begin Match to source 2 in source list: A Saregar, E Hadiati, I Syafe’i, R Septiani, Widayanti. ResultsEnd Match Total Question ∑f ∑N ∑P 33 4049 4620 88% Teachers of physical education for sports and health at the primary school level in Tugu District, Trenggalek Regency, gave an assessment of the quality of the product, namely 88%, then the qualitative descriptive data analysis can be concluded that the modified football game modified book products developed are in good category and can be used. There are no suggestions for improvement from the teachers for physical education, sports and health at the primary school level in Tugu District, Trenggalek Regency. SUMMARY This research is a development research that produces a modified football game book. Begin Match to source 19 in source list: Yusnaeni Yusnaeni, Felanda Ratu, Mbing Maria Imaculata, Sudirman Sudirman. The results of the analysisEnd Match of Begin Match to source 19 in source list: Yusnaeni Yusnaeni, Felanda Ratu, Mbing Maria Imaculata, Sudirman Sudirman. productEnd Match quality assessment data from sports and health physical education teachers in Tugu District obtained 88% of the 33 assessment indicators. 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